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Dehydration 2 mins, 27 secs Author(s): Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD
Energy Sources 1 min, 8 secs Author(s): Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD
Energy Storage and Nutrient Absorption 2 mins, 9 secs Author(s): Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD
Fat Digestion and Absorption 2 mins, 58 secs Author(s): Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD
Hyponatremia 1 min, 29 secs Author(s): Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD
Metabolic Pathways 3 mins, 33 secs Author(s): Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD
Muscle Protein Catabolism 49 secs Author(s): Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD
Pathway of Food 3 mins, 11 secs Author(s): Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD