RT Book, Section A1 Starkey, Chad A1 Brown, Sara D. SR Print(0) ID 1162785728 T1 Head and Acute Cervical Spine Pathologies T2 Orthopedic and Athletic Injury Examination Handbook, 3e YR 2015 FD 2015 PB F. A. Davis Company PP New York, NY SN 9780803639195 LK fadavisat.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1162785728 RD 2024/09/07 AB Examination MapDETERMINATION OF CONSCIOUSNESSLevel of ConsciousnessPrimary SurveySecondary SurveyHISTORYHead painMechanism of InjuryCoupContrecoupRotationalRepeated subconcussive forces Loss of consciousness History of concussion Preexisting mood disorders Emotional impairment Weakness/fatigue Cognitive impairmentINSPECTIONInspection of the Bony StructuresMastoid processSkull and scalpInspection of the EyesGeneralNystagmusPupil sizePupil reaction to lightInspection of the Nose and EarsFluid escapingPalpationSkullFUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENTCranial Nerve AssessmentNeurocognitive FunctionBehaviorAnalytical skillsInformation processingMemorySCAT3Balance and CoordinationRomberg testTandem walking testModified Balance Error Scoring SystemVital SignsRespirationPulseBlood pressurePulse pressureREGION-SPECIFIC PATHOLOGIES AND SELECTIVE TISSUES TESTSTraumatic Brain InjuryConcussionPostconcussion SyndromeDiffuse Cerebral SwellingIntracranial Hemorrhage Epidural hematoma Subdural hematomaSkull Fractures Halo Test