TY - CHAP M1 - Book, Section TI - Screen A1 - Gulick, Dawn Y1 - 2008 N1 - T2 - Sport Notes: Field & Clinical Examination Guide AB - Table Graphic Jump Location|Download (.pdf)|PrintPreparticipation Physical EvaluationQuestionnaire:YesNo1. Have you ever been hospitalized? 2. Have you ever had surgery? 3. Do you take any medications? 4. Do you take any nutritional supplements? 5. Do you have any allergies: food, insects, medicine, pollen? 6. Have you ever been dizzy or passed out? 7. Have you ever had chest pain? 8. Do you have a heart murmur? 9. Has any member of your family died a sudden death before age 50? 10. Have you ever had a concussion, been knocked out, or become unconscious? 11. Have you ever had a seizure/convulsion? 12. Have you ever had a burner/stinger? 13. Do you have asthma? 14. Do you have any skin problems? 15. Do you have diabetes? 16. Have you ever broken/fractured a bone? 17. Do you wear contacts? 18. Do you have any dental appliances? 19. Do you wear any special equipment to participate in sports? 20. Have you had a tetanus shot within 5 years? 21. Do you have nose bleeds? 22. Do you have headaches? 23. ♀: Is your menstrual cycle regular? Source: Anderson MK, Hall SJ & Martin M (2000); Lillegard WA, Burcher JD & Rucker KS (1999). SN - PB - F. A. Davis Company CY - New York, NY Y2 - 2024/09/12 UR - fadavisat.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1186216991 ER -