TY - CHAP M1 - Book, Section TI - Pelvis and Thigh Pathologies A1 - Starkey, Chad A1 - Brown, Sara D. Y1 - 2015 N1 - T2 - Orthopedic and Athletic Injury Examination Handbook, 3e AB - Examination MapHISTORYPast Medical HistoryHistory of the Present ConditionMechanism of InjuryFUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENTGait EvaluationINSPECTIONHip AngulationsAngle of inclinationAngle of torsionInspection of the Anterior StructuresHip flexorsInspection of the Medial StructuresAdductor groupInspection of the Lateral StructuresIliac crestNélaton's lineInspection of the Posterior StructuresPosterior superior iliac spineGluteus maximusHamstring muscle groupMedian sacral crestsLeg-Length DiscrepancyPalpationPalpation of the Medial StructuresGracilisAdductor longusAdductor magnusAdductor brevisPalpation of the Anterior StructuresPubic boneInguinal ligamentAnterior superior iliac spineAnterior inferior iliac spineSartoriusRectus femorisPalpation of the Lateral StructuresIliac crestTensor fasciae lataeGluteus mediusIliotibial bandGreater trochanterTrochanteric bursaPalpation of the Posterior StructuresMedian sacral crestsPosterior superior iliac spineGluteus maximusIschial tuberosityIschial bursaSciatic nerveHamstring musclesJOINT AND MUSCLE FUNCTION ASSESSMENTGoniometryFlexionExtensionAbductionAdductionInternal rotationExternal rotationActive Range of MotionFlexionExtensionAbductionAdductionInternal rotationExternal rotationManual Muscle TestsHip flexion (iliopsoas)Knee extension (rectus femoris)Hip extensionAbductionAdductionInternal rotationExternal rotationPassive Range of MotionFlexionThomas testHip flexion contracture testEly's testExtensionAbductionAdductionInternal rotationExternal rotationJOINT STABILITY TESTSStress TestingNot applicableJoint Play AssessmentPassive range of motionNEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATIONLower Quarter ScreenSciatic NerveFemoral NerveVASCULAR EXAMINATIONDistal capillary refillDistal pulsePosterior tibial arteryDorsal pedal arteryREGION-SPECIFIC PATHOLOGIES AND SELECTIVE TISSUE TESTSIliac Crest ContusionsMuscle StrainsHamstring tearQuadriceps ContusionSlipped Capital Femoral EpiphysisIliotibial Band Friction SyndromeLegg-Calvé-Perthes DiseaseFemoral Neck Stress FractureDegenerative Hip ChangesLabral TearsHip subluxationAthletic PubalgiaOsteitis PubisPiriformis SyndromeSnapping Hip SyndromeInternal causeExternal causeIntra-articular causeBursitisTrochanteric bursitisIschial bursitis SN - PB - F. A. Davis Company CY - New York, NY Y2 - 2024/09/15 UR - fadavisat.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1162785309 ER -