TY - CHAP M1 - Book, Section TI - Introduction to Psychosocial Aspects of Athletic Training A1 - Hamson-Utley, Jennifer Jordan A1 - Stiller-Ostrowski, Jennifer A2 - Granquist, Megan D. A2 - Hamson-Utley, Jennifer Jordan A2 - Kenow, Laura J. A2 - Stiller-Ostrowski, Jennifer Y1 - 2015 N1 - T2 - Psychosocial Strategies for Athletic Training AB - KEY TERMSAthletic identity The degree to which a person identifies the self as an athlete.Burnout Psychological, emotional, and physical withdrawal from an activity that was previously enjoyable; a response to excessive stress and dissatisfaction with sports participation.Coping skills Mechanisms that promote the ability to cope with a stressor or situation; built from experience or learned.Demographic variables Factors that explain or provide context for data being gathered.Extrinsic motivation Behavior that is driven by a desire to attain a specific outcome; motivation from an outside source.Hardiness Stable personality trait composed of three components: perceived control over the situation, view of the situation as a challenge as opposed to a threat, and commitment to changing the situation.Holistic Related to healing; a holistic approach includes all parts of the healing system—the mind and the body—in the healing process.Injury severity Grading of an injury that includes the amount of deformity, disability, and lack of strength to complete daily living activities; typically includes strength, range of motion, and functional deficit.Injury type Kind of injury; soft tissue or bony; relates to severity.Intrinsic motivation Behavior that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself (e.g., personal best).Mood state Transitory, fluctuating state of mind of the athlete.Motivational orientation An individual propensity to be driven by internal or external factors.Nonpharmacological pain management Strategies designed to increase an individual's perception of control over pain that he or she experiences.Pain tolerance The ability of the patient to withstand pain or painful stimuli for a period of time.Personality A stable trait of an individual's general emotional, behavioral, and attitudinal response patterns.Positive affirmation A positive declaration of truth; used in rehabilitation and healing to improve mind-set and to motivate.Psychological skills Mental skills, techniques by which the individual can use the mind to control the body or to create an outcome.Psychosocial Integration of psychology and sociology within injury and healing processes; interplay between the two fields best captures individual and situational factors.Recovery status The percentage toward recovery; can be seen as varying on a continuum from 10% to 100% or reported as "not fully recovered" or "fully recovered".Relaxation Release of tension in the body; return to equilibrium.Self-talk Internal and/or external statements to the self, multidimensional in nature, that have interpretive elements associated with their content; it is dynamic and serves at least two functions (instructional and motivational).Subjective report What athletes or patients tell the practitioner about their injury or condition.Thought stopping A psychological strategy that allows the athlete to gain control over the thought process, changing negative thoughts to more productive positive thoughts. SN - PB - F. A. Davis Company CY - New York, NY Y2 - 2024/09/15 UR - fadavisat.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1162710716 ER -