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If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.



The information provided in this chapter will assist the reader to:

  • Understand the reasons for presenting a study or project.

  • Evaluate how learning styles can impact presentation style.

  • Choose an appropriate presentation method from those reviewed (oral presentations, poster presentations, and cyber presentations).

  • Create a meaningful PowerPoint or other visual aides to support the presentation.

  • Identify additional resources for creating effective presentations.

Presenting can be considered a form of art, as the skills required to successfully impart knowledge on others requires diligence, creativity, and attention to detail. The art of presenting is closely tied to the art of teaching. Consider the metaphor of a tree, with the roots symbolizing the foundation of your presentation—the content that you hope to bestow upon your audience. With proper planning and ingenuity, your knowledge is spread and the result is a tree that flourishes, perhaps bearing fruit or providing shade on a hot summer day. As the tree grows, branches split and the trunk expands, just as new professional connections are made with the aim of advancing the knowledge of your specialty or discipline. And similar to a tree withstanding the harsh wind or weather, your presentation can leave a lasting impression on your audience with ample care in design and delivery.

Presenting your research or evidence-based practice project is an effective way to disseminate details about the project and its outcomes in academic settings, clinical situations, and continuing education venues. A variety of presentation methods can be used depending on your goals for the presentation. In addition, presentations can occur locally, nationally, and even internationally. Reasons for presenting and several presentation methods, including oral presentations, poster presentations, and cyber presentations, will be discussed.


There are several reasons for presenting your research study or evidence-based practice project. They include:

  • To increase the ability for others to understand your work

  • To reach a variety of audiences, especially those that may not be easily reached by other methods

  • To network and collaborate with others in your discipline or those that share an interest or passion in your topic area

  • To expand your professional skills

First, presentations are used to refine and translate the information in your detailed project report so that it might be more easily understood by others. Although many in your audience may have little interest in reading a lengthy and detailed report or lack the skills or knowledge to understand it on their own, using a presentation tailored to the specific audience is an effective way to transmit the information. Presentations are often used ...

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