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The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail.

—Charles R. Swindoll


The information provided in this chapter will assist the reader to:

  • Understand the sections that are typically included in a formalized report of a research study or evidence-based practice project.

  • Determine the best way to present data and outcomes visually.

  • Synthesize data with existing literature to effectively report study findings and draw conclusions.

  • Explore styles of scientific writing and discover tips for becoming a better writer.

  • Construct a formal report on a research study or evidence-based practice project.

In conducting a research study or an evidence-based practice project, a formal report of the background, methodology, outcomes, and analysis is often prepared. This information is typically arranged into chapters. A suggested formal chapter outline for a research study is included in Box 12-1; the suggested chapter outline for an evidence-based practice project can be found in Box 10-2 (Chapter 10 of this text). There are many similarities between the two reports, but some variations do exist related to the differing goals of research and evidence-based practice. Whereas the purpose of the research report is to convey information gained from scientific inquiry and procedures, the function of the evidence-based practice report is to illustrate application of existing research and evaluate the outcomes to inform practice and future program development. Each chapter of the reports and the suggested content will be reviewed.

BOX 12-1 Research Study Outline

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Chapter 4

Implementation and Results

Chapter 1

Introduction and Overview of the Topic of Interest

Section 4.1

Section 4.2

Description of the Subjects

Results (quantitative, qualitative, or both, if applicable) May include:

Section 1.1

Background of the Topic

Section 1.2

Scope of the Study

Section 1.3

Hypothesis and Research Question

  • Tables and figures to display data, outcomes, and statistical results

Chapter 2

Literature Review

Section 2.1

Methodology of the Literature Search

Chapter 5

Evaluation, Discussion, and Conclusions

Section 2.2

Synthesis of the CAT Portfolio (See Appendix A: Individual CAP Outlines)

Subsections will include:

Section 5.1

Implications of Findings and Correlation of Results With Existing Literature

  • Description of the Portfolio

Section 5.2


  • Additional subsections will be individualized to your project and will be organized around common themes in the literature

Section 5.3


Recommendations for Practice or Future Research

Appendix A:

Individual CAP Outlines

Chapter 3


  • You will likely have additional appendices that include items such as tools used in the project, lengthy tables and graphs, and so on.

Section 3.1

Frameworks or Models of Practice Guiding the Research

Section 3.2

Subject Selection and Recruitment

Section 3.3

Research Design and Procedures

Section 3.4




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