My husband, Willy, and our son, Christopher, encouraged me for years to “just write a book,” challenging me to describe for new and aspiring clinicians the knowledge and insight I had gathered over years of practice, clinical study, writing, and teaching. They cheered me on during every aspect of this project, when “just write a book” translated into month after month of hard work. Christopher, our college-aged son, and his friends read many pieces of the text and the workbook, reminding me to keep my writing student-friendly and giving me great ideas. “The book” lived with all of us, earning a loved place in the midst of our family and home life. It was exciting for all of us. Thanks to both of you for all of your faith in me. I love you both beyond words.
Family is a wonderful support. My mother, son, nephew, brother, and husband all modeled for me in some of the photographs. How many authors are fortunate enough to have a talented brother willing to do the original artwork to help bring a dream into being? My brother, Timothy Brough, gave the gift of his love and talent, providing me, and now countless students of the future, with beautiful, original illustrations. He was able to listen to my description of what needed to be drawn and capture the essence of that information with an ingenious balance of clarity and detail. He is absolutely incredible. Thank you, Tim.
The artwork and photography for this book became possible because of the hard work and love of a great deal of people. Reggie Wickham, a world-class photographer, came to Alvernia College and photographed, with sensitivity and talent, the therapists and assistants working with clients or models. Therapists from among the faculty at Alvernia or the staff of Easter Seal of Berks County demonstrated their talent in an effort to share that talent with the clinicians and patients of tomorrow. The adults and children who participated in the photograph sessions humbled all of us with their enthusiasm and gifts of time and self. I am honored to know you. Out of respect for the privacy of these many wonderful individuals and their families who came forward to help create this text, the names and data in the cases of this text do not match the person in the photo. Rather, the data was created from clinical experience and the case was construed for educational purposes. Again, I humbly thank all who helped in this effort. You are a gift to me and now to countless others.
Alvernia College, where I am an Associate Professor and currently an Academic Dean, supported this effort every step of the way and in countless small and large measures. The assistance was palpable from every level, from the Board, Administration, faculty, staff, and students, contributing everything from a sabbatical for the bulk of the writing, to the use of the facilities for the photo sessions and the support of technology, bibliographical support, and the assistance of a very special student worker, Stacey Puzaskas. The college administration gave me tangible moral support for which I will be forever grateful. Their pride and belief in me sustained my motivation and energy.
The professionals at and associated with F. A Davis Company are phenomenal. Margaret Biblis is without doubt a professional of tremendous class. She has the wonderful ability to move an author through a total project, from the exciting birth of an idea, through its somewhat uncertain incubation, during the tiring middle phases, over the last hurdles when energy is low, and finally celebrating with everyone the team effort necessary to bring an idea to fruition. The greatest surprise gift came through the friendship I gained by working with my energetic and highly motivating developmental editor, Peg Waltner. Her knowledge, organizational abilities, honesty, and strength became a real support beam to me throughout the seemingly endless months of writing and revision. She was an honest, insightful coach to me throughout the months of writing, revision, and finalizing this text for production. Peg, you are the best!
In closing, I humbly thank my Dad who always believed that I could do anything I set my mind to, and God from Whom all blessings come and Who keeps me centered. They were both with me every step of the way.