This chapter contains questions for those patients who fall outside the 18–65-year-old age range. Pediatric, geriatric, and obstetric patients all have special needs and issues that must be addressed.
Taking a pediatric history is often somewhat of a challenge since the clinician must ask the caregiver the questions. Special issues such as developmental milestones, home environment, and screening for certain symptoms are crucial for assessing a child’s or infant’s overall health status.
Geriatric medicine is now considered to be a subspecialty of internal medicine for the very reason that older patients have specific needs and risks that should be assessed and reassessed on a regular basis. For example, eyesight, hearing, and the ability to perform the activities of daily living all tend to decline as the patient ages, whereas fall risk and cognitive decline tend to increase.
And finally, evaluating an obstetric patient must include questions on obstetric history, risk factors, and specific symptoms to ensure a healthy delivery.
Use the questions in these sections as needed as an adjunct to the other chapters.
Age Dependent: Dependiendo en la Edad