Task 1: Obtain an individual’s history through observation, interview, and review of relevant records to assess injuries and illnesses and to identify comorbidities.
1. A female basketball player reports to your university’s athletic training clinic complaining of right superior shoulder pain she has been experiencing for approximately 5 days. She reports no history of shoulder trauma or changes in training or conditioning load or intensity. Which of the following questions can best assist you in determining the potential cause of this patient’s pain?
A. “You look tired; have you been spending a lot of time on your laptop?”
B. “That’s a nice-looking and large new messenger-style book bag; do you carry it on your right or left shoulder?”
C. “I know you commute to campus; do you have a lumbar support roll in your car seat?”
D. “When sitting in class, do you have difficulty seeing the projection screen or blackboard?”
2. An athlete with repeated herpes simplex eruptions should be counseled to avoid which of the following potential outbreak triggers?
A. Fatigue, psychological stress, and sunlight exposure
B. Overexposure to the sun, decreased body fat percentage, and sharing water bottles
C. Sexual activity, contact with others, and dehydration
D. Contact with others, fatigue, and a high-carbohydrate diet
E. Poor nutrition, overexposure to the sun, and sexual activity
3. A baseball pitcher presents with unilateral shoulder pain he describes as deep within the joint as well as intermittent bicipital groove and biceps tendon tenderness. The athlete also reports a history of his involved shoulder popping, clicking, and catching with certain motions. As he is a baseball pitcher, you are concerned he may have sustained a superior labral anterior-posterior (SLAP) lesion. To apply evidence-based practice to the examination of this patient, what information from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) position statement on evaluation, management, and outcomes of and return-to-play criteria for overhead athletes with SLAP injuries should you consider?
A. Bicipital groove or biceps tendon tenderness is diagnostic of a SLAP lesion.
B. A history of popping, clicking, or catching is diagnostic of a SLAP lesion.
C. Mechanisms of injury for a SLAP lesion can include repetitive overhead activities, especially activities requiring shoulder abduction and end-range external rotation, that impart tensile, eccentric, or torsional forces on the ...