Shock | Frostbite |
Anaphylaxis | External Hemorrhage: Laceration |
Seizure | Diabetic Emergency |
Internal Hemorrhage: Kidney | Epidural Hematoma |
Sickle Cell Trait | Asthma Attack |
Waxy, white appearance Tingling, pain Prolonged exposure
| Rapid, weak pulse Cool, clammy skin Elevate legs
Scraping/tearing of tissue Minimal bleeding
| Trouble breathing Cool, clammy skin Injector held 10 sec.
Confusion Pale, bluish lips Fruity breath
| Sweating Posturing Disorientation
Direct blow Initially asymptomatic Symptoms deteriorate rapidly Unequal pupils Life-threatening emergency
| Direct blow Rigid muscles Hematuria
Trouble breathing Chest tightness Wheezing
| Severe pain in limbs Flu-like symptoms Upper right quadrant rigid Abnormal blood cells
Traction Splint | AED |
Airway Adjunct | Conscious Choking Sequence |
Administer Oxygen | C-Spine Stabilization and Backboarding |
Bag-Valve Mask | Recovery Position |
Check/Call/Care | Unconscious Choking Sequence |
Portable No metal or water Analyze heart rhythm
| Direct blow Leg length discrepancy Long bone stabilizing Equipment post femoral fracture
Encourage coughing Gasping for air Obtain consent
| Jaw thrust maneuver Gag reflex absent Device to administer oxygen
Limp but conscious Stabilize victim Log roll Facemask removal
| Used with breathing difficulty Supplemental Flowrate important
Signs of life present Responder must leave the scene or patient vomiting Modified technique available
| Two-person technique Delivers higher concentration of oxygen
Unconscious victim Ventilation unsuccessful Reposition head but same result
| Emergency action sequence Required response different per age group
Helmet Fitting | Acclimation |
Knee Brace | Ankle Taping |
Orthotics | Preparticipation Physical |
Sling Psychrometer | McConnell Taping |
Hip Pointer Padding | Lisfranc Injury |
Weight chart Practice gear regulations and modifications Staggered practices
| Two fingers above the eyebrow Thin object at cheek and ear Injury prevention
Prevention or post injury Support ligaments Anchors Inversion/eversion pull
| Post injury or prevention Correct alignment required 6" above and 6" below patella
Family history Identify medical issues Orthopedic evaluation
| To assist with pes planus Examine shoe wear pattern Customized
Corrective technique Patella tracking Typical lateral to medial realignment
| Assists with environmental conditions Humid air Dry air
Forceful hyperplantar flexion of forefoot Dorsal foot pain Unable to bear weight Unstable forefoot
| Doughnut shape Ecchymosis at the iliac crest Ace wrap to secure
Lateral Ankle Sprain Anterior Talofibular Ligament | Achilles Tendon Rupture |
Fibula Fracture | Retrocalcaneal Bursitis |
Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain | Sever's Disease |
Morton's Neuroma | Sesamoiditis |
Jones Fracture | LCL Tear |
Gross deformity Positive Thompson test
| Positive anterior drawer test Laxity in sinus tarsi
Chronic Watery edema Painful while wearing shoes
| Direct blow to lower leg Pain laterally No increased pain with weight-bearing
Posterior calcaneal pain Adolescent athlete Pain with activity
| Pain is more proximal Hyperdorsiflexion and external rotation of ankle Positive Kleiger's test Negative compression test
Repetitive hyperextension Plantar foot edema Pain with push-off mechanism
| Plantar nerve affected Numbness near third and fourth metatarsals
Negative McMurray's (IR) Positive varus test @ 0° Negative apprehension test
| Excessive inversion and plantar flexion of foot High nonunion rate Positive tap/percussion test
Unhappy Triad | Osgood-Schlatter Disease |
Patella Dislocation | Chondromalacia |
ACL Tear | Pes Anserine Bursitis |
Medial Meniscus Tear | Patella Femoral Syndrome |
MCL Sprain | Hip Pointer | ...