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Out there in the real world, one athletic training student experienced the following while being supervised by a certified athletic trainer:

As an athletic training student, taping was always a skill that I overlooked. I never really realized how important it was until one specific event. I was working in the athletic training room one day my sophomore year when one of the football players needed his hand, wrist, and thumb taped. I was always the one who tried to avoid a situation if I wasn't comfortable with what the athlete needed, but this time I couldn't. The athlete could tell that I was nervous and hesitant with what I was doing, and I think it made him nervous as well. I finished the tape job, which didn't look terrible, but it definitely could have been better. The athlete went out to practice and about 30 minutes later he had cut it off and one of the senior students retaped his hand, wrist, and thumb. I knew then that I needed to practice my tape jobs more and make sure that I was confident in performing each of them. If the athlete knows you are confident in what you are doing, he or she will be more confident with you taping him or her before practice and games. I made sure that I practiced my tape jobs, and didn't just focus on one specific area so that when a situation came up I wouldn't be unsure of myself. Being confident in what you know makes things easier when an athlete needs something done and you can step up and do it without any question or doubt. In this case it was just a simple tape job that I wasn't comfortable with, but you never know how serious the situation could be, and you don't want to be the one who treats an athlete improperly.

Shauna Ward

Athletic Training Student

Wilmington College


learning outcomes

After working through this chapter, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the guidelines for fitting and maintaining protective equipment.

  2. Identify indications and techniques for using preventative taping and wrapping.

  3. Explain the current practice guidelines for activities in extreme weather conditions and interpreting weather data and indicators.

  4. Explain the components needed to prevent environmental heat illness.


Allen Hoerstein is the kicker on the football team and has a mild right hip flexor strain (Fig. 3-1). He has been attending rehabilitation sessions daily since he injured his hip flexor and is progressing well. Throughout rehabilitation, Mr. Hoerstein's chief complaint is that his right leg lags upon hip flexion when practicing the motion of kicking the ball. He states that it feels "slow." The athletic trainer wants to apply a wrap technique ...

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