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Out there in the real world, one athletic trainer experienced the following:

It is required by our state that every coach be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at the junior high and high school levels. Depending on the association in which the school system participates, the renewal process can be annual or biannual. One of my employers conducted CPR training for all coaches in August. Two weeks after one basketball coach completed our CPR course, he had to use CPR on a patron who was visiting the bank where he worked. The patron was an elderly woman who suffered a cardiac arrest. The coach was the first responder to the emergency and administered CPR until the paramedics arrived. Not only was it rewarding for the coach, who had just saved a life, but it was just as rewarding for me as an instructor. When you are employed in a medical profession, you must always expect that there is a possibility for using CPR. However, to be a loan officer in a bank and have to use those skills on an ordinary Saturday afternoon was impressive. The individuals you are teaching will only take the class as seriously as you present the material. You want those who attend your class to be just as passionate, educated, and comfortable with the skills that they have learned as you are being an instructor. Whether you are certified as a lay responder or a professional rescuer, you are saving lives. Each second counts, so be sure to teach so that the individuals understand this principle.

Melissa Noble, AT, ATC

American Red Cross Instructor

American Safety and Health Instructor

Wilson Memorial Hospital

Sidney, Ohio


learning outcomes

After working through this chapter, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the components of a primary and secondary survey of a scene.

  2. Explain the indications, guidelines, and supplies needed for equipment removal to access and maintain an airway.

  3. Explain proper guidelines for maintaining neutral spine alignment for a spinal injury and identify the equipment and techniques used for cervical stabilization, spine boarding, and patient-transfer techniques.

  4. Determine the situations when rescue breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), or automated external defibrillator (AED) use is indicated following current accepted guidelines.


Vivian O'Toole is an athletic trainer at the high school level. She is covering a girls' basketball game when she is asked by the athletic director to help assist an 65-year-old patron who has just inverted her right ankle while walking down the bleachers. As Ms. O'Toole is walking over to the injured patron, a basketball player goes up for a shot and her legs are taken out from underneath her. The player falls to the court, hitting her head on ...

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