AC: | acromioclavicular |
ACL: | anterior cruciate ligament |
AED: | automated external defibrillator |
ASIS: | anterior superior iliac spine |
AT: | athletic trainer |
ATP: | athletic training program |
BMI: | body mass index |
BOC: | Board of Certification |
CAATE: | Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education |
CEU: | continuing education unit |
CMT: | certified massage therapist |
CPR: | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CSCS: | certified strength and conditioning specialist |
CT: | computed tomography (tomographic) |
DIP: | distal interphalangeal |
EAP: | emergency action plan |
EMS: | emergency medical services |
FDP: | flexor digitorum profundus |
FDS: | flexor digitorum superficialis |
GH: | glenohumeral joint |
HIPAA: | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
IP: | interphalangeal |
ITBS: | iliotibial band syndrome |
LCL: | lateral collateral ligament |
MCL: | medial collateral ligament |
MDI: | metered-dose inhaler |
MHR: | maximum heart rate |
MRI: | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRSA: | methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MTP: | metatarsophalangeal |
MTSS: | medial tibial stress syndrome |
NATA: | National Athletic Trainers' Association |
NCAA: | National Collegiate Athletic Association |
PCL: | posterior cruciate ligament |
PCS: | postconcussion syndrome |
PIP: | proximal interphalangeal |
PPAT: | postprofessional program in athletic training |
PRE: | progressive resistive exercise |
PSIS: | posterior superior iliac spine |
ROM: | range of motion |
SC: | sternoclavicular |
SCA: | sudden cardiac arrest |
SCM: | sternocleidomastoid |
SI: | sacroiliac |
TMJ: | temporomandibular joint |
UCL: | ulnar collateral ligament |