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The following is a reference list that includes sources compiled by the Board of Certification (BOC) and used in the examination development process as well as sources provided by the authors that were used in the development of this text. The list is divided by domain for use in preparing for the certification examination and to serve as documentation for correct answers to questions in the text. The sources are listed under the relevant primary domains. Note that there may be information in each source that applies to other domains. See the BOC Web site for the most current examination reference list.


American College of Sports Medicine: ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing & Prescription, ed. 8. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
Anderson,  M, Hall,  S, and Parr,  G: Foundations of Athletic Training, ed. 4. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008.
Antonio,  J, and Stout,  J: Sports Supplements. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001.
Baechle,  T, and Earle,  R: NSCA's Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, ed. 4. Human Kinetics, 2008.
Beam,  J: Orthopedic Taping, Wrapping, Bracing & Padding, FA Davis, 2006.
Benardot  D: Advanced Sports Nutrition. Human Kinetics, 2006.
Burke,  L: Practical Sports Nutrition. Human Kinetics, 2007.
Cummings,  N, Stanley-Green,  S, and Higgs,  P: Perspectives in Athletic Training. Mosby Elsevier, 2009.
Durstine,  JL, Moore,  G, Painter,  P,  et al: ACSM's Exercise Management for Persons With Chronic Diseases and Disabilities, ed. 3. Human Kinetics, 2009.
Ehrlich,  A, and Schroeder,  C: Medical Terminology for Health Professions, ed. 6. Thomson Delmar Learning, 2009.
Garrett,  W, Kirkendall,  D, and Squire,  D: Principles and Practice of Primary Care Sports Medicine. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001.
Guyton,  A, and Hall,  J: Textbook of Medical Physiology, ed. 11, Elsevier Science, 2005.
Hall,  S: Basic Biomechanics, ed. 5. Mosby, 2006.
Hillman,  S: Introduction to Athletic Training, ed. 2. Human Kinetics, 2005.
Howley,  E, and Franks,  B: Health Fitness Instructor's Handbook, ed. 4. Human Kinetics, 2003.
Jenkins,  DB: Hollinshead's Functional Anatomy of the Limbs & Back, ed. 9. WB Saunders, 2008.
Klossner,  D: NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook. NCAA, 2009.
Landry,  G, and Bernhardt,  D: Essentials of Primary Care Sports Medicine. Human Kinetics, 2003.
McArdle,  W, Katch,  F, and Katch,  V: Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance, ed. 6. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.
McArdle,  W, Katch,  F, and Katch,  V: Sports and Exercise Nutrition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008.
Mellion,  M, Walsh,  W, Madden,  C,  et al: Team Physician's Handbook, ed. 3. Hanley and Belfus, 2001.
Moore,  K, and Agur,  A: Essential Clinical Anatomy, ed. 3. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.
Moore,  K, Dalley,  A, and Agur,  A: Clinically Oriented ...

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