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Chapter 1

  1. B

  2. A

  3. A

  4. A

  5. B

  6. D

  7. D

  8. B

  9. A

  10. D

Chapter 2

  1. D

  2. A

  3. D

  4. C

  5. B

  6. E

  7. B

  8. A

  9. D

  10. A

Chapter 3

  1. Chemical mediators

  2. Leukotrienes

  3. True

  4. Reye's

  5. Antipyretic and analgesic

  6. Improve efficacy and limit toxicity

  7. Willow bark

  8. Gastric toxicity

  9. C

  10. B

Chapter 4

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

  5. A

Chapter 5

  1. B

  2. B

  3. D

  4. A

  5. D

  6. C

  7. D

  8. A

  9. C

  10. A

  11. D

  12. D

Chapter 6

  1. True

  2. D

  3. A

  4. A

  5. D

  6. False

  7. A

  8. A

  9. A

  10. B

Chapter 7

  1. Respiration = exchange of gases; ventilation = movement of air

  2. Cholinergic = increased salivation and gastric activity; andrenergic = exciting and relaxing various tissues

  3. Asthma = bronchoconstriction and inflammation; EIA = bronchoconstriction and inflammation resulting from exercise; EIB = bronchoconstriction only

  4. Increase in mucus production and contraction of smooth muscles of the airways

  5. Athlete returns to normal shortly after exacerbation

  6. Antihistamines = prevent histamine production; decongestants = vasoconstrictor to reduce nasal mucus production; antitussives = cough reduction; expectorants = facilitate mucus movement out of system

  7. Increase in the need for medication dosage

  8. Cold is viral based and allergies result from exogenous stimulants

  9. Drowsiness, excessive mucosal drying, tachycardia, nausea

  10. Antihistamines = drowsiness, cardiac stimulation; decongestants = excessive mucosal drying, nausea

Chapter 8

  1. A

  2. C

  3. A

  4. C

  5. A

  6. B

  7. C

  8. D

  9. B

  10. A

Chapter 9

  1. D

  2. B

  3. D

  4. B

  5. A

  6. A

  7. B

  8. B

  9. A

  10. D

  11. A

  12. C

Chapter 10

  1. A

  2. A

  3. A

  4. A

  5. A

  6. A

  7. True

  8. True

  9. A

  10. False

Chapter 11

  1. A

  2. D

  3. B

  4. A

  5. A

  6. A

  7. A

  8. A

  9. A

  10. A

Chapter 12

  1. False

  2. False

  3. False

  4. False

  5. B

  6. True

  7. D

  8. C

  9. B

  10. A

Chapter 13

  1. D

  2. C

  3. A

  4. A

  5. False

  6. C

  7. B

  8. A

  9. B

  10. False

  11. D

Chapter 14

  1. B

  2. D

  3. B

  4. D

  5. B

  6. B

  7. D

  8. D

  9. B

  10. A

  11. A

Chapter 15

  1. False

  2. True

  3. A

  4. A

  5. False

  6. False

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