Emergency Situations—CPR by a Health-care Provider
Emergency Situations—Trauma
Suspected Spinal Injury
Assess athlete's level of consciousness, airway, breathing, circulation, & neurological status; if athlete is unconscious & prone, place scissors under athlete's nose to assess breathing (scissors should fog when athlete is breathing)
Do NOT move athlete unless essential to establish/maintain an airway
Face mask should be removed immediately regardless of respiratory status
Helmet & chin strap should remain in place unless:
Helmet & chin strap do not hold head securely
Face mask cannot be removed in <1–2 min.
Helmet prevents immobilization for transport
If helmet is to be removed
If athlete does not have a pulse, cut open jersey & shoulder pads down the center of the chest to perform CPR
Posturing that may indicate TBI
Decerebrate: head retracted & all extremities extended
Decorticate: LE extended but UE flexed at elbow & wrist, fists clenched
Spine Boarding Technique