Millions of people in America choose to exercise in some way, shape, or form on a somewhat consistent basis. But the fact is that for the vast majority of Americans, the thought of going out and “exercising” never even crosses their mind. Through TV and DVDs, the Internet, social media, apps, magazines, and newspapers, our society is constantly bombarded by images that suggest the importance of being physically fit and healthy. It seems that people in your generation, in contrast to all the previous ones, are finally starting to realize that there really is a reason for living a healthy lifestyle and for incorporating regular exercise into that lifestyle.
Get Fit, Stay Fit is a text designed to tell you not only how you can go about getting yourself fit but also why it is to your advantage to make fitness and exercise a regular part of your lifestyle. It begins by discussing the basic principles of fitness that apply to any type of exercise program, and then explains how being fit relates to a healthy lifestyle. Specific techniques and guidelines for developing cardiorespiratory endurance, improving muscular strength and endurance, increasing flexibility, and maintaining appropriate body weight and composition are described in detail so that you can put together a personalized fitness program based on your individual needs. This book also provides recommendations and suggestions on selecting and using the exercise equipment available to help you get fit, as well as tips for making your exercise program as safe and free of injury as possible.
Throughout this book, I have tried to provide you with all the details you need to know about getting yourself fit and to stress the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle. But the bottom line is that to get fit, you need to stop reading about it and start doing it. There is no better time than now!
This new seventh edition is now in full four-color format with all redone illustrations and mostly new photos. Nearly every exercise in the text is accompanied by a video with further explanation at fitnessdecisions.com and are noted in the text with a video icon.
New Interactive Web site where students can access an ebook version of the text, more than 300 instructional step-by-step videos, additional interactive lab activities, and dozens of other exercises at fitnessdecisions.com, all of which may be viewed on a wide variety of desktop and mobile devices. Access to fitnessdecisions.com comes for free with every new book purchase by using the code printed on the inside cover of the text, or may be purchased at the Web site.
Instructors are able to view student work and customize the student experience through a fully interactive Instructor's Guide, which includes a full instructor gradebook that can share information with most LMS systems.
Practical application chapters are dedicated to starting your own fitness program (3), practicing safe fitness (9), and becoming a wise consumer (10). These chapters cut through the confusion and provide essential information on how to start up, equip yourself, and safely execute an individual fitness program.
Special boxes—Fit Lists, Health Links, and Safe Tips—highlight, summarize, and provide quick reference to important information.
Lab Activities assist in evaluating a number of personal measures of fitness as well as providing guidelines for increased health.
Key terms are defined in boxes to help build a working vocabulary of concepts, terms, and principles necessary for understanding, beginning, and maintaining any fitness program.
Chapter pedagogy also includes chapter objectives, key terms, definition boxes, bulleted summaries, and suggested readings to enhance the learning process.
All exercise safety information and illustrations are updated to provide proper fitness techniques for a safe and effective fitness program.
Each chapter contains an expanded list of reviewed Web sites relevant to the chapter topic. Using the power of the Internet as a resource, students will be able to obtain further information to take their studies beyond the classroom.
An updated and expanded list of references provides a significant resource for students as well as instructors for further study of key issues and topics.
Instructor Ancillaries include a full electronic test-bank, Instructor's Guide, full PowerPoint presentation and Image Bank, which may all be accessed by approved adopters at davisplus.fadavis.com.