Active listening Communication technique that requires the listener to feed back what is heard by restating or paraphrasing; to confirm what was heard and to confirm the understanding of both parties.
Athletic identity The degree to which a person identifies the self as an athlete.
Cognitive appraisal Interpretation of a situation.
Cognitive rest Stopping activities that require concentration and attention; may include a temporary leave from academic/work responsibilities, reduced school day/workload, and/or additional time allowed to complete tasks or tests.
Cognitive restructuring A cognitive behavioral strategy used to identify and replace irrational or maladaptive thoughts that often occur in anxiety-provoking situations.
Concussion A complex pathophysiological process that affects the brain, induced by traumatic biomechanical forces.
Countering A technique used to challenge the veracity of irrational and/or maladaptive thoughts by using logical counterstatements.
Dissociative imagery A relaxation strategy to distract the athlete from focusing on injury-related pain.
Emotion-focused coping Strategies aimed at reducing the negative emotional response associated with stress; may be the only realistic option when the source of stress is outside of the person's control.
Healing imagery Focusing attention on a target visual stimulus to produce a specific physiological change that can promote healing.
Instrumental coping Strategies that target the causes of stress in practical ways that address the stress-producing problem or situation, consequently directly reducing the stress; examples include finding out about the injury, attempting to alleviate sources of stress and discomfort, and listening to the advice of health professionals.
Malingering Intentionally pretending to have or exaggerating physical or psychological symptoms, especially to avoid work or a return to participation.
Postconcussion syndrome (PCS) A complex disorder in which a variable combination of postconcussion symptoms (such as headache and dizziness) last for weeks and sometimes months after the concussive event.
Post-traumatic growth (PTG) A positive psychological change experienced as a result of highly challenging life events and circumstances.
Primary appraisal Initial assessment of a situation to evaluate it as a threat or challenge.
Secondary appraisal Secondary assessment of a situation, including assessment of available coping resources.
Secondary gain Favorable consequences, such as increased attention from significant others and escape from stressful situations, or medication use, that occur in conjunction with the generally undesirable injury.
Self-efficacy Confidence in one's ability to perform a particular task in a specific situation.
Self-talk Internal and/or external statements to the self, multidimensional in nature, that have interpretive elements associated with their content; it is dynamic and serves at least two functions (instructional and motivational).
Social support Includes the feeling or sense of being supported by others, the act of supporting others, and social integration.
Thought stopping A psychological strategy that allows the athlete to gain control over the thought process, changing negative thoughts to more productive positive thoughts.
Trait anxiety A stable personality construct of worry (includes high and low).
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