Observational Gait Analysis
Box 4-1 Observational Gait Analysis
Using an OGA written tool, the presence or absence of the critical events in the gait cycle can be determined. When preparing for your analysis, refer to the following OGA guidelines:
Prepare the area and materials ahead of time.
Avoid clutter in the viewing background.
Have the patient wear clothing that does not restrict viewing of joints.
Ensure that the patient is at a self-selected walking pace; otherwise, gait will be altered.
Position yourself so you can view the individual segments (i.e., if you are observing for forefoot pronation and supination, then squat down so your eyes are in line with the patient's feet).
Observe the subject from multiple views (anterior, posterior, and both lateral views) but not from an oblique angle.
Look at the individual body parts first, then the whole body, then the individual parts again.
Conduct multiple observations or trials.
Conduct the analysis with the patient barefoot and wearing shoes.
Label all video files.
Box 4-2 Common Spatial Gait Terminology
Box 4-3 Common Temporal Gait Terminology