spinosad (spy-no-sad)
Therapeutic: pediculocides
Treatment of head lice in adults and children >4 yr.
Causes neuronal hyperexcitation in insects, resulting paralysis and death of lice. Therapeutic Effects: Eradication of head lice.
Adverse Reactions/Side Effects
EENT: ocular erythema. Local: erythema.
Examination and Evaluation
Monitor symptoms such as itching scalp to help document drug effectiveness.
Watch for and report excessive redness, warmth, and irritation in the scalp and eyes.
Avoid contact with infected areas or wear protective gloves when treating patient.
Always wash hands thoroughly and disinfect bedding and equipment (whirlpools, electrotherapeutic devices, treatment tables, and so forth) to help prevent the spread of infection.
Patient/Client-Related Instruction
Advise patient to report any increased local sensitivity to this drug.
Instruct patient about proper hygiene; e.g., clean or discard infected clothing, not share combs and hats with others, thoroughly wash and dry the scalp, and so forth.
Advise patient to apply the drug as directed; that is, apply the drug topically for the recommended period of time before washing off.
Absorption: Undetectable systemic absorption follows topical use.
Metabolism and Excretion: Unknown.
Contraindicated in: Pedi: Children <6 mo (↑ risk of benzyl alcohol absorption).
Use Cautiously in: OB: Use in pregnancy only if clearly needed; Lactation: use with caution; Pedi: Safe and effective use in children <4 yr not established.
Topical (Adults and Children >4 yr): Apply amount necessary to wet scalp, leave in place for 10 min, then rinse; may be repeated after 7 days if live lice are still seen.
Topical suspension: 0.9% in 120-mL bottles