nitazoxanide (nit-a-zox-a-nide)
Therapeutic: antiprotozoals
Pharmacologic: benzamides
Treatment of diarrhea due to Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia. Not effective for C. Parvum diarrhea in HIV-infected patients.
Interferes with electron transfer reaction necessary for anaerobic energy metabolism of offending organisms. Therapeutic Effects: Antiprotozoal action resulting in decreased diarrhea.
Adverse Reactions/Side Effects
CNS: dizziness. EENT: yellow eye discoloration. GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting. GU: discolored urine. Derm: pruritus, sweating. Misc: fever.
Examination and Evaluation
Assess dizziness that might affect gait, balance, and other functional activities (See Appendix C). Report balance problems and functional limitations to the physician and nursing staff, and caution the patient and family/caregivers to guard against falls and trauma.
Patient/Client-Related Instruction
Instruct patient and family/caregivers to report other troublesome side effects such as severe or prolonged fever, skin reactions (itching, increased swearing), or GI problems (diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain).
Absorption: Following oral administration, nitazoxanide is rapidly converted to tizoxanide, which is the active metabolite; tizoxanide is further metabolized.
Metabolism and Excretion: Tizoxanide—excreted in urine, bile and feces; inactive metabolites excreted in urine, bile, and feces.
Contraindicated in: Hypersensitivity.
Use Cautiously in: Hepatic and/or renal impairment; Diabetics (contains 1.48 g sucrose/5 mL); Pedi, OB: Children <1 pregnancy or lactation (safety not established).
Drug-Drug: May interact with other highly protein-bound drugs by competing for binding sites.
PO (Adults and children ≥12 yr): 500 mg every 12 hr for 3 days.
PO (Children 4–11 yr): 200 mg (10 mL) every 12 hr for 3 days.
PO (Children 1–4 yr): 100 mg (5 mL) every 12 hr for 3 days.
Tablets: 500 mg. Oral suspension (strawberry): 100 mg/5 mL in 60-mL bottle.