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Afterload and Preload 2 mins, 8 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Alveolar Ventilation and Changes with Increasing Tidal Volume 2 mins, 54 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Changes to Heart Rate and Blood Pressure 1 min, 56 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Conduction Sequence Through the Heart 2 mins, 58 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Eccentric and Concentric Muscle Actions 2 mins, 23 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Fat Utilization 3 mins, 16 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Hormones and Exercise 4 mins, 9 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Mechanisms of Heat Loss 2 mins, 25 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Mechanisms of Increasing Muscle Size 1 min, 15 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Motor Unit Function 3 mins, 21 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
O2 Deficit and EPOC 3 mins, 21 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes 2 mins, 7 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Physiology of Bone Formation 1 min, 39 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation 2 mins, 8 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Sensory Motor Integration 2 mins, 5 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
Sliding Filament Theory 2 mins, 33 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
The Cori Cycle 2 mins, 22 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS
The Metabolic Mill 3 mins, 34 secs Author(s): John P. Porcari, PhD, RCEP, MAACVPR, FACSM, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, Fabio Comana, MA, MS